Your investment at this level will enable your company to align and connect with your direct customers, gain brand awareness by marketing your business over a 3 month period
Benefits of Investing:
Brand logo shared on our timeline with backlinks towards your asset
Alignment with your direct customers who already purchase your products or services
A 20 min livestream interview with a full video replay for your marketing department for content

Brand Awareness for your business logo clearly displayed on campaign header
What We Require From You:
We require high res graphics of your:
Business logo
Your website & social media links
Graphic that best describes your services or products for our thank you post on our social media pages.
3 Month Sponsor
Advertise to your direct customers
Our learners family & our community will see your business logo across our social media channels
Your Sponsorship Exchange Benefits:
Your contribution will enable you to marketing exchange privileges which will help to promote your business and allow our parents and other sponsors as well as our community to be aware of your brand logo and services.
Your contribution will enable you to marketing exchange privileges which will help to promote your business and allow our parents and other sponsors as well as our community to be aware of your brand logo and services.
âž” Promote your business to our local community
âž” Align your brand with your direct customers
âž” Ensure brand awareness through marketing and recognition
Your business logo will be displayed in the following areas for 3 months:
Business logo on our website, Facebook, IG and LinkedIn sponsorship banners
Backlink towards your website asset
A thank you to our sponsor post on Facebook page and IG channel (once a month only)
A 20 min interview showcase online which will housed on our Facebook channel with a video copy to be shared with your marketing department.